A child's hands covered in paint and holding paint brushes - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: February 28, 2018

Scientists say lead is a “neurotoxin.” Literally, neurotoxin means “brain poison.” The effects of lead on a growing child can be severe and permanent. A child may consume lead in a number of ways, including exposure to lead-laced paint, paint chips, and paint dust. Other sources may include water, soil, candies, jewelry, toys, cookware, cosmetics and traditional home remedies. In Chicago alone, 1,000 children were diagnosed with lead poisoning last year and the State of Illinois has a higher percentage of lead poisoning cases than any other state in the…Read More

A lawyer and client discussing legal matters at a table - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: February 28, 2018

Every lawsuit is a story. When a client comes into my office for the first time, I want to hear their story. Before I take on a new client, I need to hear what happened. Inevitably, at the end of the story, the potential client always asks me a simple question: “do I have a case?” The answer to that simple question is almost never simple and always unique. Every case I take has three main components: an injury, liability, and a defendant. These are the three pillars of every…Read More

Row of blue bikes parked on the sidewalk - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: February 28, 2018

If you live in Chicago, you’ve noticed the seemingly ubiquitous blue bikes that have been popping up all over the city. I live and work downtown but at first I was skeptical about the system’s usefulness. I’m a somewhat serious biker but I wasn’t sure the system would really be practical. I didn’t sign up until I noticed there is a station within a block of: 1) my apartment; 2) my office; and 3) the courthouse. So, last week, I paid the $75.00 to sign up and, on Monday, my…Read More

A banner showing holiday in US - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: February 28, 2018

The holidays are a time for celebration. However, they can be a dangerous time of the year, as statistics report an increased risk of injurious and fatal motor vehicle accidents. The Illinois Department of Transportation’s report on holiday accidents shows that in 2011, 13 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents over the Fourth of July weekend. 875 people were injured as well. In 2010, 10 people were killed and 539 were injured. In 2009, 11 people were killed and 539 people were injured over Independence Day weekend. An increased…Read More

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