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Call For A Free Consultation - (312) 586-2820
A different social media logos with blue background - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: May 8, 2018

Today, virtually everybody has an online presence. From Facebook, to Twitter, to Snapchat, social media has become a core part of our lives. People can use these platforms to document every second of their life, from who they’re with, to where they are, to what they’re eating. While sometimes it can be refreshing to post exactly what we’re thinking online, it is important to keep in mind that some things should stay off the internet. If you are currently involved in an ongoing legal battle of any kind, from personal…Read More

An overhead view of people in office space - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: April 24, 2018

Office workers are exposed to more hazards than one might think. Workplace hazards come in many forms including slip-and-fall accidents, ergonomic hazards, poor indoor air quality, electrical fires, as well as many other dangers. It was reported in 2016 that on average, about 78 people lose their lives each year from occupational injuries or illnesses. It was also reported that thousands more become so severely injured on the job that they require ongoing medical treatment and lose the ability to work. It is important to become aware of workplace hazards…Read More

A table with books and a wooden gavel placed on it - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: April 11, 2018

A deposition is a pre-trial oral testimony. Although it is pre-trial, it is still taken under oath and the testimony can be used in court. If you are currently involved in a legal battle, it is important to understand that the deposition can be vital in reaching a verdict and should be taken very seriously. Deposition can prove very useful to the opposing counsel, so being prepared for your testimony and knowing what to expect is very important. Always tell the truth. Since this testimony is still being given under…Read More

A statue standing on court room with US flag in background - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: April 10, 2018

As a resident of Illinois or the surrounding areas, it is important to be aware of what legal changes have been made this year. 1. Insurers must cover MRI for some women. Under this new law, when risk factors for cancer are shown in mammogram results, an MRI of the affected area must be covered as a follow-up by insurance. 2. Changing gender on birth certificates is allowed. As long as an individual is in the care of a primary physician, transgender and intersex individuals will be allowed to change the gender…Read More

Image depicting personal injury claims - Sharks at Law
  • By: Sharks At Law
  • Published: April 5, 2018

If you have been recently involved in a car accident, slip and fall (premises liability), or other type of personal injury, it is important to take these necessary steps to ensure you can get the most out of your settlement. Sharks At Law can ensure you maximize your settlement amount by following these steps: 1. Have a settlement amount in mind. By putting together your demand letter, you have figured out a range of what you believe your settlement is worth. Before doing anything else, decide what is the minimum…Read More

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